Revolutionary War Re-enactmentThe Westhampton Beach Historical Society invites you to come witness what life was like in Washington’s Army during the Revolutionary War in a two-day encampment conducted by the Third New York Regiment of 1775 Re-enactment Group.
10 AM to 4 PM, July 22 and 23
Westhampton Beach Great Lawn

Following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Continental Congress in 1775 called upon the colonies to raise an army for the common defense against invasion by the British forces. Three companies of troops were organized on Long Island, bringing together men from what is now present-day Southold, Riverhead, East Hampton, and Southampton. These troops defended the citizenry, livestock, and foodstuffs against British raiding parties seeking supplies for their besieged troops in Boston, and the ensuing skirmishes may have been the first instance of Continental forces in combat during the Revolution. Eventually, the Long Island Companies of the Third NY Regiment were ordered to New York City to be fully equipped and then united with the full regiment for the invasion of Canada in the fall of 1775.

The re-enactors, recruited from our own East End, will set up an authentic period military camp, including tents, dining shelters, and cooking fires. They will spend two nights overnight and demonstrate military maneuvers and musket use for the public several times during the day. Interpreters of “camp followers” (typically the wives and children of the troops) will demonstrate open fire cooking techniques.

Between demonstrations, the re-enactors will be available for dialogue on Revolutionary War history and the overall experiences of camps of that nature. Children’s activities will include learning about daily camp activities and lessons in formation marching (with wooden muskets) and colonial dancing.

3rd NY Revolutionary War Encampment Activity Schedule

Saturday, July 22:
10 am First Formation / inspection
10:30 Instruction of the Manual of Arms
11 am Artillery demonstration.
12 pm Midday meal or “Nooning”
1 pm 18th c fashion show
1:30 Military Musick
2 pm Artillery Demonstration
3 pm Tactical weapon demonstration
4pm Retreat ceremony (end of camp duties)

Sunday, July 23:
11am First Formation / inspection
11:30 Instruction of the Manual of Arms
12 pm Midday meal or “Nooning”
1 pm 18th century fashion show
2 pm Artillery Demonstration
2:30 Tactical weapons demonstration
3:30 Retreat ceremony (end of camp duties)

Ongoing though out the day:
Personal interaction
Camp tours
Camp fire cooking
Quill and ink writing
Kids march in “Washington’s Army”

Sponsored by The Westhampton Beach Historical Society, with support from:
The Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, and The County of Suffolk, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation